It's almost that time of year, please mark your calendars! The Yuma Artisans and Crafters show, featuring hand crafter items made by local and visiting artists, will be at the Yuma County Fairgrounds Theatre building.
This event offers you an opportunity to see and purchase incredible items - jewelry, kitchen towels, signs, paintings, portraits, lamps, various types of decorative pieces for your home and garden and much, much more!
Don't miss it!
December 9th, 9AM - 4PM
December 10th, 9AM - 4PM
2520 East 32nd Street
The entrance to this event is FREE. The parking lot is located off of 32nd street, entrance to the event is by the fairgrounds ticketing booth. If you're interested in becoming a vendor at this event, please contact
The "Yuma Artisans & Crafters is a diverse group of men and women that produce a large variety of artistic and unique handmade items. Many of our member are year-round residents here in Yuma, AZ. However, year-round residency is not a membership requirement! We openly welcome and encourage our talented winder visitor to become members.